Tuesday, 26 October 2010

A short review for Afterwards

5.0 out of 5 stars Afterwards by David Kennedy, 26 Oct 2010

P. A. Cunningham "Penny" (N.Ireland) - This review is from: Afterwards (Paperback)
I finished this book last night and I can honestly say I have never read anything like it before! I felt sorry for this man William Kenneth Ian Right his life was so mundane and mind numbing. I kept thinking whats going on here and had to keep reading to find out. The twist in the tale was so unexpected I was really shocked. This was a really good thought provoking read and I would highly recommend it.

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

The main characters name

It took me a long, long time to come up with a name for the main character in the book. I was trying to keep the book without borders, as in, I was trying to keep it as free from national identity as possible and by national identity I mean a Scottish identity. I was initially going to keep him nameless like so many of us are to others. This seemed like a good idea to me but slowly it dawned on me that much of the book is without definite distinction as in it's very dreamy and loose, so I decided against this approach.
Thinking seriously about it I realised that I could incorporate a 'joke' so to speak into the story by the use of the name of the character. William Kenneth Ian Right is a not so obvious name if you are not Scottish or in the know about Scottish slang language. When you look at that name the 'joke' lies in the second part of his name, Kenneth. If you shorten the whole name down a little to this; Will Ken I Right, you start to get a picture of where the name originated from in my mind. This Scottish slang version of the name reads roughly in English this; Will know I'm right. This keeps the rough kind of not definite feel of the book perfectly in balance with the name of the main character called William.
Also it is a slight homage from me to the spirit of William S Burroughs (wherever he may be) for the main character in the book to share the same first name with such a wonderfully powerful writer. As I write the name William a million thoughts rush through my head from Central America to Africa and on to the cold streets of New York City, via a multitude of deaths and trips which came to be regarding the life and times of William S Burroughs.

We travel on.....

Friday, 17 September 2010

Thursday, 16 September 2010

Press release from Raider Publishing

Afterwards by David Kennedy-Now Available!

Raider Publishing International announces the release of Afterwards by David Kennedy.

Sep 09, 2010 – In a dystopian future the year is 2050; it's the narrator's 50th birthday. William Kenneth Ian Right is a downtrodden man. He lives alone with the cracks in the ceiling, angles, pie charts, and the traffic outside his window and the darkness within his four walls. He has been beaten in his life into a shadow of his former self, he casually and uninterestingly floats around his apartment, ghost like, eating and sleeping and thinking, living off 'The State'. Suddenly he decides he wants to end his life and knows what to do; he calls 'The State' to arrange his death and funeral. This story, Afterwards, is a detailed account of the last 5 days of William Kenneth Ian Right's last week on this planet. He arranges his assisted suicide and funeral, he visits his family, he has a 'Freedom Day' and he prepares his apartment for the next occupant. Then comes his final day, his execution, his judgment day. Set over a century in the future, this story travels through time highlighting the evolution of politics, the destruction of man and the ultimate question of faith. Does God exist? What if there is no God? What if science were the saviour of the day? What if science could resurrect you? If you had another chance, if you were dealt the same DNA cards over again and if you knew what lay beyond, what would you do, Afterwards?

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Raider Publishing International is a publishing company based in New York City, London and Cape Town. With authors in over seventy different countries world wide, Raider Publishing International is an award winning organization that has published bestsellers on four different continents. For more information about Afterwards, David Kennedy or Raider Publishing International, please contact the address above. The author and publisher are currently available for interviews and a free review copy of Afterwards is available by request to all members of the credited media.

Monday, 24 May 2010


David Kennedy was born in 1969 and went through the motions as a child, and still does as an adult. Having never studied at school or university, he instead discovered his literary tastes after everyone had gone away. This book is his first published work. He lives in Glasgow.

Monday, 12 April 2010

This is the best photo of me ever taken as I am so un-photogenic. I like this picture because you can't really see me.

Monday, 15 March 2010

New cover

This is the new cover to the book. I took the picture myself one cold December day in Glasgow's George Square, where each year the carnival arrives in the centre of Glasgow. This picture depicts the helter skelter at this carnival. What, or really, who you can't see in this picture is my son at the top of the tower awaiting his turn to slide down.
The reason I chose a helter skelter for the front cover is in the book the main character arrives at this helter skelter (or one similar) this signifies the last moment of free will for William in the story. If he ever had any at all.
The overall feel for the cover was inspired by the new publications of William S Burroughs books by Penguin. I like the darkness and overall rather frightening feel of something would should be fun.